The Reverend Shapleigh Thomas
Shapleigh Thomas, third son of Reverend Milton Thomas III and his
wife Geneva Shapleigh grew up in a small town in Kent. One of five
children, with two older brothers and two younger sisters, he was
always the peacemaker and arbiter. Tall and thin with a shock of dark
hair and deep set eyes of brown, Shapleigh would often draw his brow
together while studying things most intently. As a child he showed an
early interest in nature, collecting his own specimens, labelling and
carefully preserving them. Butterflies particularly captivated him
as did the local birds. By the age of ten he could identify any bird
or butterfly in his environs. Shapleigh was a thoughtful child who
spent many an afternoon in the library perusing his father’s books
and in time began to add his own books to the shelves.
His father educated
him at home with his brothers until he entered Oxford and finally was
ordained. Shapleigh knew from a young age he was destined for the
church as most second and third sons are, but he was content with his
lot. In his teenage years he visited the sick and helped those in
need when he was home from school. Patient and determined, his
parents doted on him and their loss was great when his orders came
and he was sent to a distant county.
The town of
Fayrewood in Kent is a lush area with many farms, a bustling high
street and a tight knit community of people. Among its residents
Shapleigh Thomas had many friends and people would call out greetings
wherever he went. Well liked and respected many of the young ladies
cast an eye in his direction but he only had eyes for Mary.
The Guilford family,
neighbours of the Thomas’, ran the local oast house with the help
of their three sons and Mary, their only daughter. Mary could often
be found chatting with Shapleigh after church and it became evident
to all that one day they would wed. Once Shapleigh was ensconced in
Amberleigh’s Rectory and had established himself as church leader
and dear friend of the village, he returned to Fayrewood to marry his
sweetheart, Mary, and bring her to his home to begin their life
Mary and Shapleigh
have made their home in the rectory by the church, keeping a few
sheep and planting a large kitchen garden. The two of them can often
be seen working in the church grounds, pulling weeds and trimming low
branches, chatting happily as they toiled. Shapleigh and Mary both
have become an integral part of the Amberliegh family, liked and
admired by all.