Friday, August 21, 2020

A Closer Look into Our Residents' Lives Part 4

           Jane Meryvale

We’ve been exploring the lives of some of the residents of Amberleigh these past few weeks. This week we shall expand a little and have a more in depth look at Miss Jane Meryvale, a particular friend of Lady Elizabeth Marlowe.

Jane Meryvale, a childhood friend of Lady Elizabeth, resides at No. 14 Gracious Street in Bexford with her mother, Mrs. Charis Meryvale. Wealthy in her own right with a sum of £12,000 per year, Jane is an intelligent young woman who is quite happy to follow her own pursuits which, much to her mother’s chagrin, do not include marriage.

The Bluestocking Society is dear to Miss Meryvale's heart. Revelling in the interaction with like-minded women, Jane often attends meetings and organises education for girls and young ladies so they may make more informed decisions about their futures. At present she is busy searching for a meeting place in Cheltenham that may be used so that local woman who cannot get to No. 16 Royal Crescent in Bath easily may meet locally to discuss Bluestocking topics. Miss Meryvale is proud to have partnered with Lady Caroline Farnsworth and Lady Elizabeth Marlowe in founding a new lending library in Bexford which shall open its doors anon and recently offered her expert advice to Dr. Woodforde of Inscombe who has been setting up a school on his estate Greenlea. Jane will ensure the girls on the estate shall be educated along with the boys by supplying the teacher, a Bluestocking colleague. Jane has compiled proper books, slates to write upon and other materials and often confounds Dr. Woodforde when they show up at the estate, causing him to wonder why he had not thought of providing these things.

Of course Jane’s mother, having met Dr. Woodforde, thinks him a perfect husband for her daughter, being educated, wealthy and a handsome young man. However, Jane has been quite frank in apologising for her mother’s matchmaking and informing Dr. Woodforde she does not intend to wed...ever.

Jane’s response to her mother constantly putting Dr. Woodforde in her path has been to pack up and go to Bath, but she cannot stay there forever. How will Jane convince her mother her Bluestocking pursuits fulfil all her needs leaving no room for matrimony? And how will Mrs. Meryvale contrive to overcome this obstacle?

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